Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Jeans Lab Experiment

Jeans Lab Conclusion

During the experiment, we tested the concentration of bleach on jeans to answer the question “What concentration of bleach is best to fade the color out of new denim jeans in 10 minutes without visible damage to the fabric?” We found that the 50% concentration worked the best on the jeans. During the experiment, we compared all the jeans with concentrations of bleach together, and found that the jeans with 50% concentration looked and came out the best out of all of them. During our experiment, the 100% bleach concentration had an average of 9 for color removal and fabric damage, while the 50% concentration only had an average of 6 for color removal, and a 3  for fabric damage. After seeing these numbers, I have concluded that the best option for the jeans would be 50% concentration.
We made a couple of mistakes , but the big mistake was that we did not take pictures of the before look of the jeans. It affected us because when we had to compare the jeans from before and after, we couldn’t do it very well, because there were photos to compare it to. I think to improve on this error, we should have probably taken photos of the jeans before the experiment. Also, I think that Mr.Orre could have reminded us to take lots of photos of everything. But other than that, I think overall it was a good project.
I think that the reason for this experiment was to show us about how jeans and bleach work. For example, if a clothing store were to sell jeans, they could bleach them; that would take away color and attract people who want lighter colored jeans. From this lab, I learned the importance of bleach, and how not to use it with colored clothing, because most likely, the clothes will be ruined. And based on the fact that this was my first lab in Bio so far, I think I know now how to execute a lab pretty well, and am ready for the rest of the labs that come throughout the amazing school year.

Displaying IMG_6781.JPG
Here is a selfie taken by Raquel during the experiment. 

Here is the data from the lab:

Concentration %bleach
Average Color Removal

Concentration %bleach
Average Fabric Damage

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