Sunday, March 6, 2016

Bird Beak Lab Conclusion

1) If Darwin's theories are true, then spoon beaks might be eliminated throughout evolution.
2) If there are winners and losers, then the bird with the spoon beak certainly won't be one of the winners.

Evidence: Total chicks born
Spoon -> 8
Paperclip -> 10
Tweezers -> 38
Scissors -> 23

I was correct with my hypothesis for this specific test and the part 2 experiment. I believe that the spoon isn't efficient at picking things up. It is actually really difficult so scoop up certain pieces of food unless they are in a big pile. Usually birds don't find a large pile of food.

CER Statements:
The paperclip beaks will defiantly be eliminated from the population because they are loosing by a lot. The scissors population is clearly taking the lead, so they will begin to look like the winners.

Part 2: CER Paragraph
Question: What will happen if all the macaroni a bird eats means -10 food?

Hypothesis: If macaroni is toxic, then the birds with smaller beaks will be way more successful.

CER: The spoon beak bird died because it couldn't pick out the food that wasn't toxic. This clearly shows how the birds with smaller beaks could selectively pick the non-contaminated food.

PE Paragraph:
2 Errors: The tables were not level, so there might have been some advantages to the spoon beak if it were on the lower table because they could use the step as a wall. This would make scooping food a lot easier. The second error could be placement of the food. The food was placed more on one table than the other. This means that the people with the food closer to them could have had a slight advantage. Just try to be more precise when you set everything up, and then you will not have the previously stated errors.

PA Paragraph:
Purpose of lab: This lab allowed us to see how selective evolution can be. It really makes it easy to see how different species can strive or die so quickly. This really helps traits evolve rapidly.

How it relates to vodcasts: The vodcasts were talking about evolution, and the gene pool. This really shows how certain traits can do absolutely horrible in a given environment. It also shows how certain species can strive, and then reproduce more often.

Applied to a different scenario: This can help you understand how certain dogs can be good for certain tasks. They have evolved to the point that they have kept all the important traits needed for their tasks, but also dropped all of the non-important traits.

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