Wednesday, May 4, 2016

"Your Inner Fish" Video Series Conclusion

Write a Summary of this video series, and relate to things you’ve learned in this unit and past units. Choose two questions from these notes to elaborate more on. Elaborate by summarizing further, asking questions, and/or drawing connections. This should be at least 10 sentences, and include at least one picture.

In the video, Your Inner Fish, we learned about how (obviously) we came from fish. It all started millions of years ago, where fish were starting to come out of the water. There isn’t a specific name given to the animal that started that, because it is both a land and water “fish”. Those “fish”, had a bone system very similar to the one we have today. Also, some people still have very small gills, proving that we came from fish. We have everything that are early fish ancestors had: Eyes, spines, bones, a jaw, a neck, and many body parts and systems that helped our early ancestors survive. A very important body part our early ancestors had was a neck. With long necks, the “fish” were able to go underwater and turn their head to look for prey or predators. This gave them an advantage over every other animal, because other animals didn’t have the ability to look anywhere but what was in front of them. Without these “fish” having necks, who knows what we would’ve ended up like?

When in looking at the evolution of man, the fish part of us gave us a general structure of the human being today, with a bone system, along with vital organs. But as they millions of years passed, the fish started turning into “reptiles”. These reptiles began to shape who we are as humans. Although the fish did play an important role with giving us a general body structure, the reptile detailed our body structure and allowed us to be who we are today. An example of this “detailing” is teeth. You can find anything you want about an animal by looking at its teeth.Our early reptile ancestors began growing large teeth in the front, which allowed them to kill and eat animals easily. But most carnivores had to eat the whole body, while our reptile ancestors evolved and gained more teeth that would separate bone from meat. Without the evolution of our teeth, we would not have turned out the same as we are today.

Thanks to our fellow reptiles and fish, we know have a great understanding of how the evolution of humans took place. It first started with fish giving us a bone system and several necessary body parts, and then the reptiles came and gave us amazing teeth, brains, and allowed us to be the dominant species on Earth.

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