Monday, September 21, 2015

Unit 2 Reflection

            Throughout the last couple weeks, we have learned a lot about the micro organisms that are in our body, our food, and that make certain chemical reactions everywhere. Speaking of which, did you know that the human body makes several thousands of chemical reactions a day, but we don't feel a thing, so how come? That is because those reactions are REALLY small. Like when we eat food with Fructose in it, it goes into our body and reacts with the amino acids in our stomach, and it does taste really good. I also got to learn about the "BIG 4 Macromolecules": Carbohydrates, lipids, Nucleic acids, and lipids. This is what all cells are made of.


 But on the side of actually having to take the notes and remember what Mr.Orre said in the Vodcast, I thought it was very hard. I had never been very good at understanding how science works, and I still don't. Science is a really hard subject for me because I can't understand all the details, but I can remember things like "All 'isms' are sugars" or "The less bonds a sugar has, the more bitter it becomes". Those key ideas stick to me, and I'm starting to find that out in Biology. But for the most part, I think I am a better student than I was when I started off in the beginning of August, because of the fact that I have to actually take notes while watching a twenty minute Vodcast on Chemical Reactions in my body; and this all helps me become a better student and understand the curriculum more.

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